Thursday, November 22, 2018

Life can be hard sometimes, life can be hard all the time

Things will beat you, things will hurt you mentally and physically.

Remember that you not only have and can continue to survive, but you can turn your life into more than just surviving. You are still alive, still fighting, and still here.

We do not experience everything in our life as easy as we would like and we all go through things, heartbreaking things, mindbreaking things, soul breaking things. Despite all this we all have the ability to overcome these things, inside each human is the natural born ability to survive.

The first thing to remember is that you are not alone. No matter how severe the hurt you feel inside there are others who are currently feeling or have felt a similar struggle, whether it's with friends, family, or maybe even traumatic experiences.

Reaching out and finding people who will listen judgment free is incredibly important. Friends, family, therapists, or even people online who share similar issues. In my experience if you're talking to someone who shares a similar sturggle it's best to talk to people who aren’t caught up in their agony but in their recovery. People can bond tremendously but if you find someone who is also struggling and you both are stuck and can’t find your way out, you can not rely on each other solely. The best advice comes from those who are out of the initial slump and are speaking from the other side.

(Just my magic doggo to give you some postive vibes)
The second thing to remember is you're allowed to fail. Failure does not mean we will never win, it only indicates that we haven’t found the best way yet or we haven’t given enough time to it. I’ve reached many points where I felt I had it all under control but life caught up to me again. I used to go back and forth between these states frequently. It took forever for me to realize that times of struggle happen to everybody and that slipping back, for a little bit or even for a while, does not mean trying is hopeless.

Each person is different and we all have different things we need to help break us out of where we are mentally. For me it’s my friends, music,reading about true crime, Youtube videos about anything educational. I allow myself to slip sometimes, and by slip I mean I allow myself to be alone as long as I need, I recognize when things are getting to be too much and that’s when I reach out the most. My friends are all great at recognizing when I’m at a weak point and don’t beat how I’m feeling out of me, they’re there to listen and if it were to get too much to handle I'd let them know. Just knowing they are there helps ease my mind by a lot.

For you it might be different. Humans are radically different on the inside and it's all about finding what works best for you.
