Friday, November 30, 2018

You Are Not Alone

(Waffles, the cutest doggo ever)
So far in my short-lived life I have seen people of all kinds. I have witnessed writers, artists, athletic people, dedicated people, kind people, bad people, lost people, sick people, caring people, people of all kinds. I've seen my closest friends and my closest family fall apart, and yet I've seen those very same people rise back up. Their experiences from birth to now, from childhood to adulthood, and from low points to high points have given me the knowledge of my own ability to do the same.

For so long I felt that only I was alone, that my struggle was one-of-a-kind. I believed there was something wrong with who I was at my core. There just was something about me that made it impossible to deal with life as everyone else appeared to. It took low-point after low-point, over and over to realize I was not alone. It took twenty years of my life to understand that if anything, my struggle was the most human thing I had in common with everybody else. We are born into struggle and mask it more and more the older we get but it never goes away. We're always trying and always facing the next challenge in our lives.

You all have the ability to not let your past define you no matter how debilitating your live has been. Every time we are reminded of our past we must not use it as fuel for giving up but fuel for going on. Whether you have been through self-victimization or you have been victimized by others, you have the power to take your own self-worth back. You deserve to live free of your past. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to live as you wish as long as you do no harm to others. It is your life and you deserve to be liberated of the thing holding you back. 

The mind can be evil and it can torment itself in ways you might not even know. Mental illness isn't some foreign invader, it's your own mind messing with reality. It emphasizes the bad and can de-emphasize the good. No matter which illness you struggle with, odds are there is a treatment. The illness might not be gone forever but you can beat the illness the same way it beat you down over the years. You can live with it only in the background while you take control. There are resources everywhere online and in real life and there is always hope for a better life. After this realization the nex thing to realize is that it's okay to need help. You can reach out and find what you need to get on your feet and I'll make it my mission to help every single one of you as best as I can.

Much love,
