Sunday, December 2, 2018

Music and My Soul

The first thing you'll discover about me as soon as I get comfortable around you is that I love music. Not just sometimes, all the time. When I'm sleeping I'm listening to music, when I'm showering, music. Eating? Music.
(Che doin' a sploot)

Everything about the music I listen to affects me. I get so into songs that I'll start singing them and doing wild hand gestures. It probably seems weird to people but I love it. I allow songs to take over and use my body and voice as a surrogate. There's just something about closing my eyes during emotional parts or letting my voice scream out during the intense parts. It gets even more intense when I'm drunk and honestly, I think that's just more of who I am. Even though I've been getting wilder throughout the years I still hold back a bit when I'm with people. Not out of shame or anything, but out of respect that my friends don't always want to hear me let loose.

I can sit down and binge album after album. Search online for even more bands to fall in love with, day after day I discover new things to add to my collection of soul bending tunes. I prefer rock and metal because it lets me feel the darker feelings I have with no judgment. When I'm feeling happy or energetic I might switch to some good ol' Kesha or Avril Lavgine. I'd say I'm a fan of anything that sounds good but isn't everyone? People only listen to music they like and well, I like a lot of music.

Given the chance to pick music for people I always give a few extra thoughts to what I'm going to play. If it's my turn I'll think of new music I've heard and pick what I think people will like. Unless of course I have a song stuck in my head,  then it's probably getting played no matter what.

My point is music helps complete part of who I am. This edgy, emotional person who feels the need to express it whenever possible. Find what you truly love in this world and let it be a part of yourself. Let yourself get lost in music, or art, science, stories, etc.. If it makes you feel good then go for it!
