Wednesday, January 23, 2019

"I Can Feel My Dreams Bleeding Into My Reality"

Everyone has dreams. Everyone has goals. Everyone wants to achieve them given enough time and the right conditions, but many are stuck in their lives. People have a knack for postponing their ultimate happiness. Granted, it might be for the right reasons, money, kids, timing. It's easy to continue to make excuse after excuse until eventually they're only ever just dreams and the memory of them turn into regret.
Hercules and Buddha

It's easy to allow normal life to take over. It's easy to let an easier life become all you chase, despite those hidden dreams inside you that want to come out. We as humans have to remain realistic, and sticking with menial things like a job you hate is the most realistic thing we think to do. It's money, it's income, it's food on your table, and attempting to give that up is high risk. Even if it means you could potentially be way happier following your dreams than that 9-5 that bleeds you of any creativity, individualism, and passion.

In order to move on from where you are you have to be able to take risks, while understanding them. I'm not saying to quit your job and move halfway across the world, but if that's something you want to do, start saving small amounts. Start taking small steps that will eventually lead to where you want to be.  Be smart about how you approach your dreams but also remember that things might not be as you hoped they would, which is why it's also important to leave yourself space to fail. Things aren't going to easy, sometime you're going to experience setback after setback. After a while those setbacks might begin to discourage you but if you remain set on your goals and dreams you can make it through whatever is holding you back.

I believe in every single one of you out there. You all have your dreams, your passions, part of you that you want to share with the rest of the world. You have faults but you make up for them with all the good things about you. Nobody is perfect but if we all use our minds and our hearts to the best of their ability I believe that we can accomplish the unthinkable as humans. Take your dreams and let them bleed into your reality. Let them consume you, you will know no force greater than yourself when your ambitions are unchecked.