Sunday, January 13, 2019

Losing Toxic People

There's people in our lives that are going to be toxic for us. People that start off as friends and then they slowly turn and devolve into toxic people. At first you'll think they're great, you might question them right when you first meet but then you end up liking a part of them that the other parts make up for. Then, through time, they slowly become bad for you. Judging you, not encouraging you to be your best, using you, manipulating things, lying, and for a little while all the good things about them such as their humor, their stories, the history you both may have, all of that surpasses the things they say or the way they act sometimes

Here's Buddha to send you some good vibes!
It becomes hard to get rid of them, because well, they at a point for sure were your friend and as humans we're not going to want to push our friends away, especially if you're worried you just might be overreacting. Eventually, however, there will be a point where you've had enough and need the negativity out of your life.

 It's important to not be to forward with getting rid of them, don't lash out, don't yell and get angry about how they've been. Just suggest you need time apart for a bit. It's when you ask for the break that things will be set in motion. If you guys really do just need a break and their toxicity is just a symptom of another issue they're having, then that'll reveal itself. But if after the break you realize that the toxicity is real and probably won't stop then it's during this break that you can make it clear you don't want to be friends.

Never feel ashamed for bettering yourself. You always should be putting your own self first. If someone is making you uncomfortable and is insistent on not changing despite many opportunities, it is not wrong to remove them from your life, especially when it's adding unnecessary stress. I'm no way saying to abandon people that need you, if their actions are just apart of another larger disorder then you should insist them on getting help but there is a point where people can only get as much help as they're willing to get. If they stop trying and give up it should not be your burden to sacrifice your own sanity on your own well-being.

