Monday, July 22, 2019

To All The Teens Struggling Right Now...

You are special!
You are valued!
You are wanted!
You are not alone!
You are loved!
You are strong!
You are beautiful!
You will get through this!
You are incredible!
You are amazing!
You are unbreakable!
Whatever you are going through right now, it is not the end! There’s an entire world and new life waiting for you on the otherside of highschool. No matter your mistakes, your family, your struggle, and your flaws. Coming from someone who has stood in your shoes before, it does get better! There are so many resources out there for you if you need some guidance. 
You’re going to beat this depression, this frustration, this self-hate, this enviorment that makes you feel like you’re not good enough…
And when you do get on the otherside of you’re going to look back and wonder why you were ever worried in the first place!