Sunday, September 22, 2019

Putting Your Broken Heart Backtogether

Heartbreak is probably one of the worst things emotionally a person can experiance and go through. For some people, we give a part of us to another. We meet them and everything seems normal but then you start talking, you get to know them. You tell them things, you open up. You share parts of yourself. You trust one another and feel absolutely in love. Then their heart decides it doesn't want to be with you anymore. At first, the words shatter your heart, and your mind. It hurts. It seems unreal at times.

You can get through it. It's not the end of the world. You will reach a point where it doesn't hurt anymore. Life goes on, there's other people. I know at the time, those things seem trivial. Nobody could ever compare to them, and you refuse to think about it. You just have to get through the first bit. It takes a while to set in sometimes, but you need to let it sink in. From there you can only go upwards.

You have to allow yourself to have your feelings. It's okay to feel hurt, it's okay to feel stupid, blind, and foolish. Those feels you have are very real and they do hurt. You have to admit they're there.

My pain is there. You're not alone. I feel so foolish for opening my heart, for giving a part of myself to someone who just gave it back. It stings, but it happened. I'm not dead, it's just proof that I'm alive and I do feel happiness.

My heart is going to heal, and it's going to find someone eventually. I haven't given up hope. I just need to focus on myself and just continue being the best me I can be, and that goes for anyone who is feeling heartache right now.

You are still loved by many, you are not any less of a person, it doesn't mean that you're going to be alone for ever. It just means you're human. This hurt will pass and you will move on.

I love you all, from perfections to flaws, you're all beautiful. Keep going, you got this.