Monday, October 19, 2020

How My Passions Can Help Me Understand More

     I think the one thing in common that all my interests have, is the art of creating things. For example, I love playing my electric and bass guitars. I also love practicing the keyboard I bought. I also love drawing and have a lot of unshared artwork. There's also this blog and the various writings I do, either personal or online works. I also managed to buy an expensive camera for taking nature shots and things I happen to think would look good at a certain angle on the camera. I've got so many side hobbies involving art and creating things.

    I just wish that I had a few less and spent more time on only a couple of ones then I think I'd be a lot further in skill in any of them. Could I be shredding on the guitar by now? Or could I be playing beautiful songs on my keyboard? Or taking real professional pictures? Maybe an artist with a growing online status? So many possibilities flow through my head when I think about it, but also I wonder something I else...

    Maybe all these different things are helping me learn each other? Like what if the lessons I learn from one hobby can carry over to others to make them easier to learn or conceptualize? It's a concept that has helped within my instrument world. I started on electric guitar and from that, I went to the bass. Bass was easier from the electric guitar because I had already familiarized myself with a very similar instrument, but there were still different parts to learn because it still was a different kind of music device. So when I switched to the keyboard I already had some basic knowledge down, about notes, chords, rhythm, and so forth.

    If I could then take the things I learned from my instruments and the subject of making music, as a whole, and apply them to writing, or photography. Things are alike in so more many ways than you think if you sit down and compare them. There might be vast differences up from to different passions, but they all hit a center nerve inside of us. A desire to create something previously unknown to anyone else. A very important feeling of control in my life. Nothing we make will truly last forever, it's just nice to make something that lasts beyond your own time.
