Monday, March 22, 2021

Feeling Left Behind

 As I've gotten older, I've watched so many of my past and current friends hit milestones in life. With it either being getting married, having kids, moving to their ideal city or state, or even just moving on the path that they've always wanted. I have the discomfort of not feeling as accomplished. I'm nowhere near where I want to be. I'm single, currently unemployed, back living with my parents in order to get ahead financially. A lot has gone wrong in my life. I certainly wish I was where most of my friends are. I'm sick of being alone, I'm sick of facing setback after setback. And especially after 2020, it's incredibly difficult to stay invested in own life and wellbeing. 

I know I'm not alone in that feeling, so many like me feel the same way, and certainly, feel the effects as I do, and I find that kind of beautiful. When compared to those around us, we see ourselves as outsiders, as 'losers' as failures, and as someone who may never have what our friends and family have, however when you look at it from a broader perspective you see you are not alone. These feelings of inadequacy only exist because we are comparing them to those whose lives we are constant witness to. In truth, we are alike so many others who also feel what we do. 

Instead of comparing your life to the success of those around you instead stop trying to compare lives as if success makes any person's life more valuable. Start living it as your path, your life.  The life your friends are living has its own troubles and perils that you never were witness to. Just as you have struggled with things in your life, they have also, and just because their success was founded sooner does not mean you are a lost cause. 

These past few days have been difficult for me, I've witnessed a few major events in people's lives and it sent me on a self-reflective downward spiral, but I came to realize the truth. Although I will more than likely still have these thoughts of inadequacy, I will tell these seldom thoughts the truth behind their lies. The truth that my life and my accomplishments do not to be up to speed with those around me, for me to be on the right path.
